Terms & Conditions




1.1 The parties to this agreement are you (“the user”) and the owners of this website being Hyperthermia Clinics International (“HCI”).

1.2 Your use of and access to this website will at all times be governed by the provisions of these terms and conditions, and by using and/or accessing this website, you fully accept all these terms and conditions and agree to be bound by them. You are also responsible for ensuring that all persons who access our website through your internet connection are aware of these terms and other applicable terms and conditions and that they comply with them.

1.3 If you do not wish to be bound by and comply with these terms and conditions in full, your access and use of this website must be terminated immediately.


HCI is committed to ensuring the privacy and integrity of information submitted by users of our website. All information of a personal nature submitted or provided by users will be treated confidentially and will not be disclosed to any person without express consent of the user concerned but always subject to the following:

2.1 Disclosure of any information provided or submitted by a user will be allowed to be made where:

2.1.1 such information is in the public domain;

2.1.2 there is a duty to the public to disclose;

2.1.3 where HCI’s interests require disclosure;

2.1.4 at your request or with your consent; or

2.1.5 HCI is obliged in terms of any law, order of court, legal process or other lawful reason to disclose such information;

2.2 Personal information may be disclosed to HCI’s group members, agents, vendors, suppliers, marketing agents where this information is necessary for them to evaluate and enhance the product and services offered on this website;

2.3 HCI may disclose certain personal information of users such as names and electronic mail (“e-mail”) addresses to affiliated service providers for purposes of distributing promotional materials, surveys and questionnaires or other information or material for which a user has specifically indicated its willingness to receive;

2.4 HCI may provide general information to third parties which do not contain particular personal information of users such as their names and addresses, and which is intended to be used solely for compiling statistical or demographic information or otherwise;

2.5 HCI does not and cannot control the confidentiality, access to, or dissemination of information which is retrieved through the use of “cookies” or information retrieved through the collecting and storing of IP addresses of visitors to this website. A “cookie” is a computer file, which is transferred automatically from our website to a user’s computer or device during an online session which enables HCI to customize webpage content and to gather general information on the use and frequency of the user traffic. By using HCI’s website you are deemed to have agreed and consented to the use of cookies. If you do not want to accept “cookies” being used, you can disable “cookies” in your web browser’s security settings. Information on how to do this will be available from your web browser’s help menu. An IP address is an address assigned to your computer or server identifying it when conducting internet activity.


3.1 A user’s access to this website and the information contained on it, does not in any way convey or transfer any right in or to the intellectual property rights of HCI’s data or information displayed or accessible from the website or in any of the trademarks, copyright, designs, patents, domain names, know-how, confidential information, trade secrets, or any other intellectual property rights that may vest in HCI or in the author, compiler, creator, or licensor of such information.

3.2 All Hyperthermia Clinics International’s trademarks, logos, brands, domain names and other marks and intellectual property relating to this website, or any information contained or accessible from this website shall remain the sole and exclusive property of Hyperthermia Clinics International and the relevant authors or licensors and the user undertakes that it will not use, disseminate, or otherwise deal with such intellectual property without Hyperthermia Clinics International, the relevant licensor or author’s prior written approval.

3.3 Copyright and all other intellectual property rights subsisting in any data base/s maintained by Hyperthermia Clinics International and relating to this website is owned by Hyperthermia Clinics International or the relevant provider or supplier thereof.

3.4 A user may only use information retrieved, viewed, downloaded or otherwise obtained by viewing this website, for its own personal and non-commercial use and such information and/or data may not be sold, resold, transmitted or otherwise made available or disseminated in any manner via any media to any third parties unless the prior written consent of Hyperthermia Clinics International has been obtained.

3.5 The user undertakes not to change or delete any proprietary notices contained in any material, data or information downloaded or otherwise retrieved from the Hyperthermia Clinics International website.

3.6 Under no circumstances may a user reverse, engineer, disassemble, decompile, reproduce, transcribe, store in a retrieval system, translate into any language or computer language, retransmit in any form or by any means, (electrical, mechanical, photo reproduction, recordation or otherwise) any of the material, information or content viewed, downloaded or otherwise retrieved from this website without the prior written consent of Hyperthermia Clinics International.


4.1 The content on this website is presented for information purposes only and nothing contained in this website is intended to be instructional for medical diagnosis or treatment. The information contained on this website is not intended to replace or substitute professional medical advice and is merely inserted for general informational and educational purposes. The information does not relate to any particular individual or individuals and under no circumstances should any user rely on the information for purposes of any treatment and/or medical advice.

4.2 Any person requiring any medical advice or treatment should consult their relevant medical practitioner or other qualified healthcare professional to suitably diagnose any ailments or diseases and prescribe the relevant treatment.

4.3 All information viewed or services used or accessed from this website are provided “as is” without any warranty, whether express or implied.

4.3 All information viewed or services used or accessed from this website or our Group websites are provided “as is” without any warranty, whether express or implied.

4.4 Hyperthermia Clinics International does not warrant, hold out or represent that any services, benefits or facilities offered on this website to users or a class of users, such as online booking available to certain registered healthcare professionals will always be available, be accurate, reliable, or perform the functions it was intended to. Users are cautioned against relying on any service or facility provided on this website and should always independently verify any information or confirmation contained or generated form this website or any software associated therewith.


5.1 Hyperthermia Clinics International provides hypertext links to websites on the internet which are operated by third parties. Users are encouraged to use discretion when searching or accessing such links.

5.2 Under no circumstances does Hyperthermia Clinics International take responsibility for the content and/or services or products offered on third-party websites which may be linked to this website and gives no warranty, guarantee and makes no representation in respect of such linked websites.

5.3 The provisions of these terms and conditions do not apply to such third-party websites as these websites are not maintained and/or hosted by Hyperthermia Clinics International or its service providers.

5.4 This website contains advertisements, comprising, inter alia, any illustrative and/or textual material, including banners, pop-up windows, buttons, links and advertising sponsorships. Unless specifically otherwise indicated in writing, Hyperthermia Clinics International does not endorse any product whose services are advertised or promoted by such advertisement nor does Hyperthermia Clinics International make any representation or give any warranty in regard to the content, accuracy, suitability or fitness for purpose of any material, information or data contained in or linked to any advertisement on this website.

5.5 You may link to our home page, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it.

5.6 You must not establish a link in such a way as to suggest any form of association, approval or endorsement on our part where none exists.

5.7 You must not establish a link to our site in any website that is not owned by you.

5.8 Our site must not be framed on any other site, nor may you create a link to any part of our site other than the home page.

5.9 We reserve the right to withdraw linking permission without notice.

5.10 The website in which you are linking must comply in all respects with the content standards contained in Hyperthermia Clinics International’s operating policies (as amended from time to time).

5.11 If you wish to make any use of content on our site other than that set out above, please contact Hyperthermia Clinics International at any time via e-mail at info-SA@hyperthermia-clinics.com


6.1 The user undertakes to conform to generally acceptable internet etiquette and to abide by any Hyperthermia Clinics International operating policies which may be amended from time to time at Hyperthermia Clinics International’s discretion. The user warrants and undertakes that all information, documentation, data and material provided or transmitted to Hyperthermia Clinics International will be accurate, truthful and current and the user is solely responsible for the content of such information, documentation, data and material.

6.2 Hyperthermia Clinics International reserves the right to take any action in relation to any documentation, information, data or material which Hyperthermia Clinics International may in its sole discretion deem necessarily appropriate, if it believes that the failure to take such action may create any liability whether perceived or otherwise for Hyperthermia Clinics International or its suppliers, or advertisers who cause Hyperthermia Clinics International to lose or suffer any harm or damages in any proprietary interest or goodwill or which may adversely affect the provision or access to this website or the services of any of its service providers. In particular, the user undertakes:

6.2.1 not to violate the privacy of any person or to violate the security of any computer system or network, which shall include but not be limited to: the infringing, directly or indirectly, any third party copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or any other proprietary rights or rights to publicity or privacy; the violation of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation or public policy in force in South Africa. In this regard the user undertakes to familiarize itself with and ensure that he is kept continuously aware of, any amendments to such laws or regulations which may be in force from time to time; any information, documentation, data or material submitted or provided to Hyperthermia Clinics International shall not be defamatory, trade libellous, unlawfully threatening or unlawfully harassing, obscene, offensive or in bad taste; any files transmitted shall not contain any “viruses”, “Trojan Horses”, “worms”, “time bombs”, “cancelbots” or any other computer programming routines or software that is intended to damage, detrimentally interfere with, intercept or expropriate any system, data or computer network nor to engage any activities which can be regarded as hacking or otherwise interfering with the integrity of this website and its supporting infrastructure; the commission of any act or any omission which may have adverse technical effects on the integrity or functionality of this website and its supporting servers and infrastructure; giving or making available in any way the user’s user name and password to any other person in any manner for such person’s use, and the user undertakes to take whatever steps may be necessary to ensure the safekeeping and confidentiality of such user name and password and in any event a user shall not disclose same to any third party without Hyperthermia Clinics International’s prior written consent. A user shall be legally bound by and held responsible for actions taken with its user name and password. The user hereby acknowledges that Hyperthermia Clinics International is entitled to reasonably presume that the user is the transacting party where a specific user name and password has been used to gain access to, view and/or engage in any activity on this website or any part thereof;

6.2.2 to immediately notify Hyperthermia Clinics International should it have any reason to believe that the confidentiality of the username and password may be compromised; and

6.2.3 to inform Hyperthermia Clinics International of any restrictions and/or limitations on the authority of any authorised user who has been given access to the service and/or content of this website promptly and in writing.


7.1 Due to the number of sources from which Hyperthermia Clinics International obtains content and the nature of electronic distribution via the worldwide web and internet, neither Hyperthermia Clinics International nor any of its suppliers shall be liable to any user or to any other person in respect of any loss or damage of whatsoever nature caused by or arising from any of the following circumstances, (and the user hereby indemnifies Hyperthermia Clinics International and its suppliers against any and all claims in respect of such loss or damage):

7.1.2 any fact or circumstance beyond the reasonable control of Hyperthermia Clinics International;

7.1.3 any breakdown in the service provided by external service providers and the unavailability or defective performance of any software or any of the services available on or from this website;

7.1.4 the performance or unavailability of this website, or any other website to which it is connected or linked;

7.1.5 any suspension or interruption of access to this website by Hyperthermia Clinics International;

7.1.6 any breach of privacy or security by any person or entity;

7.1.7 the loss, damage, destruction, theft, contamination or corruption of any data, information or content accessible by means of this website;

7.1.8 the preservation and protection of the integrity of any text or any other form of data, information or content which is contained on or accessible from this website;

7.1.9 any publication or use of any information or data contained on or accessible from this website;

7.1.10 a user’s failure to perform any of its obligations in terms of this agreement, including but not limited to a failure to comply with any of the provisions of clauses 6 and 8.

7.2 Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, neither Hyperthermia Clinics International nor its suppliers shall be liable for any direct, consequential or indirect loss suffered by a user or any other person.

7.3 While Hyperthermia Clinics International will use all reasonable endeavours to ensure the integrity, security and confidentiality of all personal information submitted and/or obtained from a user, it will not be held liable under any circumstances if such information is compromised, disseminated or otherwise disclosed through conduct outside the control of Hyperthermia Clinics International such as hacking, infection by “viruses”, “Trojan Horses” or any other computer programming routines or software that are intended to damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data or personal information.

7.4 Hyperthermia Clinics International hereby disclaims any liability for any and all losses, liability, costs or damage suffered or incurred by a user or any other person arising out of or in connection with the use, provision or distribution of any feature or service which may be promoted, displayed on, or associated with, this website or any other website which can be accessed from this website, however such loss or liability may occur, and whether such loss or liability is financial, personal, consequential, incidental or otherwise.

7.5 Hyperthermia Clinics International does not warrant or represent that the functions, facilities or services or content contained on this website, or access to this website or any part thereof, will be uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be corrected, or that this website and/or the server that makes it available to a user, is free of viruses, infections, bugs or the like, nor does Hyperthermia Clinics International make any warranty or representation, whether express or implied, as to the reliability, accuracy, usefulness, adequacy, quality, currency, completeness, suitability, fitness for any purpose or otherwise of any of the information, services, facilities, data or material displayed on or accessed from this website.

7.6 The user hereby indemnifies and holds Hyperthermia Clinics International and its suppliers harmless against any and all claims in respect of any loss or damage referred to in clauses 7.1 to 7.4 of these terms and conditions.

7.7 Notwithstanding the foregoing, no provision in these terms and conditions excludes or limits, or purports to exclude or limit, in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so.


8.1 Where any user is permitted to participate in online communications such as requesting information, receiving alerts, sending and receiving e-mail, engaging in conferences, downloading and uploading files and other uses permitted by Hyperthermia Clinics International, such access and participation is subject to the following:

8.1.1 files that may be uploaded, public messages sent and user’s activity in conference are subject to review, modification and deletion without notice by the representative of Hyperthermia Clinics International responsible for the administration in the area where the activity takes place;

8.1.2 Hyperthermia Clinics International’s operating policy relating to online conduct, storage and deletion of e-mail and uploading files, conferences, bulletin boards and other matters are available and/or will be made available online. Hyperthermia Clinics International reserves the right in its sole discretion to change such policies at any time and from time to time;

8.1.3 files uploaded to a bulletin board may be subject to posted limitations on usage, reproduction and dissemination and users are responsible for adhering to such limitation should they download same.

8.2 Users are specifically prohibited from engaging in any of the following activities:

8.2.1 Posting or transmission of any message which is or is likely to be interpreted as libellous, harmful, threatening, abusive or defamatory in the opinion of Hyperthermia Clinics International;

8.2.2 Posting or transmission of any message, data, image or program which is indecent, obscene or pornographic;

8.2.3 Posting the same note more than once (“spamming”) is strictly prohibited;

8.2.4 Interception or attempted interception of e-mail or other private communications not intended for that user;

8.2.5 Use of this website as a mass unsolicited distribution medium to communicate a generally unsolicited message;


9.1  In the event that a user should engage in any one or more of the prohibited practices or fail to comply with any obligations contemplated in clauses 6.2 and 8.2, or otherwise breach any of the provisions of these terms and conditions, which shall be determined in Hyperthermia Clinics International’s sole discretion and which decision shall be final, then Hyperthermia Clinics International shall be entitled to, without prejudice to any of its rights to:

9.1.1 terminate or suspend, without notice, a user’s access to or use of this website or any service or facility;

9.1.2 charge the user for any costs incurred by Mediclinic, including, but not limited to, administration costs and downtime; and

9.1.3 in the event that any such practice has an adverse technical effect on the network, to require the user to take such steps as may be necessary to rectify the situation at his/her own cost and expense.

9.2 The termination or suspension of a user’s right to use or access this website or any part thereof, will not affect the provisions of these terms and conditions which shall survive any such termination or suspension.

    10. NOTICES

    10.1 Hyperthermia Clinics International may deliver notice to the user under these terms and conditions by means of e-mail, a general notice on this website, or by written communication delivered by registered post to the user’s address on record. A user may give notice to Hyperthermia Clinics International at any time via e-mail at info-SA@hyperthermia-clinics.com or by registered letter to the following address: Hyperthermia Clinics International – Dr James Laporta Institute, The Foundry, Prestwhich Street, De Waterkant, Cape Town 8001, South Africa

    10.2 An e-mail duly transmitted by either party shall be deemed to have been received 1 (one) day after the date of transmission provided that no notice has been received indicating a failure of or inability to deliver such message. Correspondence sent by registered post shall be deemed to have been delivered 14 (six) days after the date of posting.


    The provisions of these terms and conditions are stipulated for the benefit of Hyperthermia Clinics International, its officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, suppliers and information providers. Each of these persons or entities shall have the right to assert or enforce any of these provisions directly against the user on its own behalf which persons or entities hereby accepts such stipulation.

    12. LAW TO APPLY

    12.1 The provisions of these terms and conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of South Africa.

    12.2 Where the law requires that any action related to a transaction be carried out in writing or by using a paper document, that requirement shall be met if the action is carried out in an electronic format or using a data message (including but not limited to e-mail).


    These terms and conditions constitute the whole agreement between the parties and no party shall be bound by any undertakings, representations, warranties, promises or the like not recorded herein.

    14. NO WAIVER

    Failure or neglect by Hyperthermia Clinics International to fully enforce at any time any of its rights or any of the provisions of this agreement, shall not be construed as a waiver of its rights, nor shall such failure or neglect in any way act as an estoppel or affect the validity of the whole or any part of these terms and conditions, nor prejudice Hyperthermia Clinics International’s rights to take any action which may have arisen in the past or which may arise in the future.


    15.1 Hyperthermia Clinics International reserves the right to change the content, presentation, format, performance, layout, facilities and services available or displayed on this website or any part thereof at its sole discretion and hereby disclaim all liability, losses, claims, damages or inconvenience which may be suffered by any person as a result of such changes.

    15.2 Hyperthermia Clinics International may modify these terms and conditions at any time and such modification shall be effective immediately on the posting of such amendment or modification on this website. A user may request e-mail notification of such amendments or modifications by contacting Hyperthermia Clinics International at  info-SA@hyperthermia-clinics.com.

    15.3 It is the responsibility of all users to be regularly ensured that they are aware of any modifications and/or updates or changes.

    15.4 The continued use by a user or access to or viewing of this website and or the services offered shall be deemed to be conclusive acceptance of such modified terms and conditions.


    In the event that any of the terms of this agreement are found to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable, such terms will be separable from the remaining terms, which shall continue to be valid and enforceable.


    17.1 The User shall not cede any of his/her rights nor delegate any of his/her obligations in terms of these terms and conditions.

    17.2 Hyperthermia Clinics International shall be entitled to cede and transfer or delegate to any third party at its absolute discretion all or any of its rights or obligations under these terms and conditions.


    If any specific terms of use appear on this website in regard to all or a portion of the content displayed on or accessible from this website, which specific terms of use conflict with any of these terms and conditions, then the specific terms shall prevail in regard to such content.

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