Hyperthermia Cancer Treatment
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This stimulates the release of Heat Shock Proteins which actives the immune system. Tumors are naturally necrotic, acidotic and hypoxic at the centres, which means less oxygen and blood flow. Hyperthermia increases blood and oxygen delivery to the tumors which changes their metabolism, increasing apoptosis, and allowing for more effective delivery of medicine into the tumor centre together with electroporation, increased local cytotoxic drug reaction rate and radio sensitisation through oxygenation and S-cell cycle disruption. Overall, “Hot Tumors” are more susceptible to chemotherapy, immune attack and auto-regulated cell death, including apoptosis of cancer stem cells.
3 year disease free survival rate more than doubled when hyperthermia was combined with chemoradiation for locally advanced cervical cancer patients in South Africa (HR:0.65; [95%CI]:0.45-0.96; p=0.029), and with no additional side effects.
(C Mienaar 2022)
Regional Hyperthermia added to chemotherapy doubles the length of overall survival in patients with high-risk localised soft tissue sarcoma, and increases the median over-all survival from 6.2 years (CT) to 15.4 years when combined with Hyperthermia
(CT + HT).
Hyperthermia significantly improves relief of painful bone metastases increasing the 3 month complete response from 7.1% in radiotherapy alone to 37.9% in the combination group. Almost double the amount of patients achieved a zero pain score (BIP) in the HT + RT group; with pain relief lasting 3x longer.
(Chi et al, 2018)
Complete Response rate improved from 38.1% with radiotherapy alone, to 60.2% when combined with hyperthermia for locoregional recurrence breast cancer, and a 72% complete response rate for localised chest wall recurrence
RT + HT.
(Datta 2016, Meta-analysis)
A complete response (CR) was seen in 62,5% of all patients combining radiotherapy (RT) with Hyperthermia Vs 39,6% when RT was used alone. Hyperthermia along with radiotherapy enhances the likelihood of CR in HNCs by around 25% compared to radiotherapy alone with no significant additional acute or late morbidities.
(Datta 2015, Meta-analysis)
At Hyperthermia Clinics International we understand that the healing journey can be challenging.
Our medical staff are exemplary at providing personalised care, empathy and professional treatment.
About Us
Hyperthermia Clinics International carefully choose established international clinics and hospitals with which to partner, specialising in adjunctive and supportive oncology treatments.
We work with a network of international clinics and universities to constantly update protocols and engage with clinical research.
Currently we are focussing our services in South Africa and United Kingdom, where we have identified an opportunity to improve access to effective oncology care for patients with early and advanced stages of cancer.
Many of our patients are referred by their primary oncologist for adjunctive meHT treatment in combination with their standard chemoradation or immunotherapy.
We do however accept consultation with one of our oncological trained medical doctors who would be in position to review your case and provide more detailed information around appropriate hyperthermia treatment protocols. We encourage open communication within your medical team and are happy to provide reports to your primary medical provider post consultation.
I instinctively knew that I’d been thrown a lifeline, and airlifted to a safe place where cancer became an adventure of hope instead of a battlefield riddled with fear and uncertainty.”
Our team understands the cancer journey intimately, and we guarantee you will feel the extra effort in personalised care.

Contact Us
Please fill up the contact form to request more information, or schedule a consultation with us.
+27 21 205 0590
+44 20 7467 8300
The Foundry, Prestwich Street,
De Waterkant, Cape Town
10 Harley Street,
London W1G 9PF